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A reader lives a thousand live.

I love books i love that moment when you open and sink into it you can escape from the world, into a story that's way more interesting than yours will ever be.

I simply cannot live without books.

Storm and Silence (Storm and Silence, #1)

Freedom – that is what Lilly Linton wants most in life. Not marriage, not a brood of squalling brats, and certainly not love, thank you very much!
But freedom is a rare commodity in 19th-century London, where girls are expected to spend their lives sitting at home, fully occupied with looking pretty. Lilly is at her wits’ end – until a chance encounter with a dark, dangerous and powerful stranger changes her life forever...

Enter the world of Mr Rikkard Ambrose, where the only rule is: Knowledge is power is time is money! 


"Knowledge is power is time is money.” - Rikkard Ambrose. Storm and Silence, Robert Thier 




My favorite book so far!!! Thank you Sir Rob for writing this piece of perfection!! 

